Worried about missing important calls during non-business hours ?
Night Ringers
Night ringer converts a building’s paging systems into a telephone ringer to alert anyone in the building of an incoming call
Non-business hours are when the least amount of personnel are in a building. With only a few people in the building, they might not be near a phone to hear it ring. This could result in them missing an important phone call.
Night ringer alerts the entire building of an incoming phone call. Night Ringer allows for a tone to be played through a building’s paging system when a call is coming in. Nght Ringer converts most paging systems into an after-hours night bell alert system.
Night Ringer is an efficient way to alert security guards or other personnel of incoming calls during non-business hours.
School bells / Interval bells
The Paging Server has a built in bell scheduler that enables, through a secure web interface, scheduled bells and prerecorded messages to be sent to different multicast zones as well as to legacy analog paging systems.
Perfect for schools, universities, manufacturing or any environment where scheduled bells and zone paging are paramount.
This system is designed for facilities with larger areas or noisy work environments. It’s an ideal solution for factories, warehouses, and other industrial working areas to signaling shift changes, lunch and breaks.